The mothership from Galaxian appeared in some later levels
of Pac-Man
as a substitute for the cherries, apples, and other fruits which
would periodically appear as bonus
items at the center of the maze. Galaxian's mothership also
appeared as a bonus item in one of the final entries in the
Pac-Man franchise, Pac 'n' Pal. Galaxians also appear
in Galaga
and Gorf.
Galaxian was a relatively simple game to adapt for home play, but it didn't arrive in Atari 2600 form for several years. For quite a while, the only home version of Galaxian was Coleco's tabletop arcade game, which was a rather faithful rendition, right down to the arcade cabinet art, which looks like it fell off of a Yes album somewhere.
Apparently, Coleco's Galaxian is now considered much more rare than any of the other tabletop arcade games, even Zaxxon. I'm not sure I understand this, but that's how it appears to be.
The Atari 2600 version of Galaxian arrived in 1983, and considering the simple nature of the game, it was a very faithful rendition.
tabletop Galaxian - now it's quite the collector's item.