Auf dem Wieler 8 D-53902 Bad Muenstereifel Germany
Phone: +49 2253-2518 |
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Order, payment & shipping informationAll shipments outside of Germany are done via Air-Mail |
Germany: Überweisung auf Postbank-Konto Europe: via PayPal to: engelspj@t-online.de Cash (recorded delivery in Euro) pers. cheque (in Euro) add. bank-fees = 8 Euro electronic bank transfer (in Euro) US/Canada via PayPal to: engelspj@t-online.de Cash (recorded delivery in US$) Sorry, no cheques ! |
Germany: Inlands-Paket = 8 Euro Europe: small parcel (not insured) : 10 Euro Parcel (up to 4KG & insured) : 17 Euro US / Canada: small parcel (not insured) : US$ 10 Parcel (up to 4KG & insured) : US$ 35 Rest of the world: please ask me. |